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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Man kunto Maula

For a lover, sama is useful because it takes him to the highest peak of love, in such cases the lover has an angel behind him. But a person who indulges in music and at the same time consumes wine and womanises, music is harmful because the effect of music on this person would arouse carnal desires.

Sheikh Saadi

Man kunto maula, Fa Ali-un maula Man kunto maula. Dara dil-e dara dil-e dar-e daani. Hum tum tanana nana, nana nana rayYalali yalali yala, yalayala ray Man tunko maula......

"Whoever accepts me as a master, Ali is his master too." (The above is a hadith - a saying of the Prophet Mohammad (PBH). Rest of the lines are tarana bols that are generally meaninglessand are used for rhythmic chanting by Sufis.)


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